Dress rehearsals and tech all day today. Have an interview lined up with a reporter from the local paper, a photo shoot and lots more rehearsals. Many of our props were damaged in the massive theater flood last week. I thought the main risk to theaters was fire, but then at the opening night of Tea Co.'s production of 'Boys' at the Tinfish theater in Chicago years ago, there was rain water running into the theater building! You will all be safe at the Lyric hall, but we are still assessing damage to our props and cleaning them off so we can use them. The knives were quite rusted but Alex shined them right up and they look great now. Tickets are selling briskly so to save your seat, buy yours today. Even if we sell out all five shows as I am sure we will, it's not likely that we will recoup the money we have put into the show so far. That is not so good for me, but is great for you. It means you are going to see a show whose tickets should be priced at least $20-$25 but you will pay only $15, (or $10 for discounted tickets). I will not do this show again for this price, so it's a very good deal for you. See you soon.
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