Wednesday, May 11, 2011

let's roll...

At some point, you just have to do it: jump off the building, submit the paper, or physically fight with the terrorists who have hijacked your airplane. For this show, today is that day. Our esteemed director is on a train from Grand Central station, our co-producer John Cavaliere will prepare the Lyric Hall for our work and the cast is hopefully excited to meet each in person and start to build the bonds of trust that will need in order to present such a dangerous and taxing show to all of you in two weeks. How does the writer/producer/magician feel right now? I don't think that matters much to you. What matters is that we do what we need to do in the next two weeks so that when you come for the show, you see a wonderful, magical, fun fusion Indian magic show. And we will do the work. The Palshikar family has been doing magic for two generations and the Marshalls have too. Between these two families, there is at least two centuries of showbiz experience. It's not just two weeks of rehearsals, but two lifetimes of rehearsals coming together today.

A concerned parent recently wrote the following about this show to our friends: "We got a card through school, I think, announcing an Indian Magic Show ("jadoo").  Do you know anything about it?  Are you planning on going?  Is this kid friendly? It takes place May 25-28, at the Lyric Hall on Whalley Ave. Her is their website: Thanks for your thoughts.  I am not sure this is for my kids ...." She was asking for our friend's opinion, but I will provide you with my opinion. I am a parent and if my child can keep quiet and not disturb other spectators in the show, I will let him watch the matinee shows. The week night shows are past his bedtime so he is not allowed at those. My own brother, who is a Mormon (ever heard of a liberal/secular/rational Mormon?) would bring his kids for this show, as would my sister who regularly attends an evangelical Friends (Quaker) church. My mom, who thought that the movie 'Goodwill hunting' was "pornographic" would bring her grandchildren for this show. But they are all related to me. My guess is that if you believe in creationism and are trying to teach that to your children, if you are a fundamentalist or a fanatic of any religions, there might be something in this show that will offend you. Children are actually not easily offended. It's the adults of a certain conservative religious persuasion I worry about. If you think that seeing an image of Hillary Clinton in a newspaper may stimulate sexual feelings in you, as the editors of the conservative Hasidic Jewish newspaper Der Tzitung assert will happen, then you should not come to the show and you may actually need some serious therapy to treat hypersexuality, or priapism, or some terrible psychological condition. But if you are a normal, rational, fun-loving human (other primates who can come up with $10 are welcome too if they don't cause trouble) I think this show will be appropriate for you and your kids. If not, talk to my wife after the show and try to get her to give you your money back. It's worth a try, but just remember she is a Gujarati.

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