Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today is my first post without an image. I decided to try it to see if there was any different response from my still phantom readers. My show opens in less than six weeks, so things are really starting to heat up in terms of rehearsals and marketing. Luckily, the weather is also heating up and there should be blossoms on our local cherry trees this weekend. This makes people want to go outside and perhaps see some real Indian jadoo. I found a place to print the promotional postcards and posters for the show and might even print up some "got jadoo?" t-shirts if people express interest in buying them. With the proper promotions, jadoo could become like chai, pajama, guru, pandit, sitar, and mogul, a cool from an Indian language that is happily assimilated into the English language. As my routines come together, I might try them out with some street performing, since that is the way jadoo was performed for the last many decades. I might use this blog to post times and locations of my performances. First I need to find out the rules for performing on the street in New Haven. I will keep you posted...

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